Monday, April 4, 2011

The Happy Discipline

Our desktop computer (with all my photos) has been paralyzed since the heavy storm that moved through our area last Thursday, but hopefully, soon, I'll have it back, with all bits fully restored and accessible. My body is reluctant to fully cooperate with my ambitious to-do list today, but at least I can post thank you's from the sofa with a borrowed laptop...

I am grateful for:

246. the almost four-year old's enthusiastic rendition of "Joshua Fought the Battle of Jericho" (with much repetition of "Jericho, Jericho, Jericho, Jericho, Jericho, Jericho...etc.) throughout the day

247. the same child saying, "Listen to me hum, Dama" (imagine the same tune, hummed with great emphasis)

248. happy celebration of grandson's first birthday...a year of vibrant health and development and engaging personality

249. simple, joyful decorations from creative daughter-in-law, which I could adapt and copy for other grandchildren's birthday celebrations - all four birthdays fall within a 5 week time period.

250. sons and daughters-in-law who have been so gracious and generous in inviting us to be a part of their children's lives

251. getting to know Amy, who has lived with us for about 10 months now. She enriches us with her laughter and with skills, gifts, personal history and perspectives that differ from ours.

252. Prema's self-occupied, quiet deportment at the library

253. that our grandsons love books and stories so much

254. the "nesting tree" during nesting season at the Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary - although standing directly below it can be a messy affair, the sheer number of nests with attending parents in one tree is pretty amazing

255. Prema shooing a bird off the "people path" at the sanctuary, while signing "wrong"

256. fluffy, grayish-white baby pelicans on their nests (the one time I don't take my camera!)

257. young women with busy lives, "baby bumps" and laughing children, reminding me of those chaotic years filled with so much energy and purpose, seeking healthy friendship and growth in the practice of intentional gratitude

258. those same women modeling good listening and balanced participation for this older woman, so in need of practice in humble listening

260. delicious left-over taco salad at the Samber house

261. home-made chocolate chip cookies and mmmm good coffee

262. Sam sharing his protein shake that included romaine and blueberries...light and surprisingly tasty! (I have not liked the taste of any shakes or smoothees I've made that have included green veggies - and I love most green veggies)

263. Front row seat for a dramatic electric storm, in my car, on the Howard Frankland, above the middle of the bay

264. that the large oak limb, torn from a tree in our yard during the high winds the next day, did not hit our house or my car

265. neighbor and helper who were sawing it into manageable chunks and throwing it on their trailer to haul off before I was even aware that it filled my driveway

266. windows surrounding me at home, providing theatre to the incredible energy and rains of the storm

267. that our desktop mac did not fully fry in the multiple power surges and drops

268. that we have a wonderful mac repair company across the bay

269. that we did not lose electrical power and I was able to keep sewing birthday projects

270. for birthday secrets, arriving by mail, and coming to life by our hands, and the happy anticipation of Isaac's enjoyment of all of them

271. the joy of finding and giving simple gifts that are in sync with an un-spoiled, creative child's development and play interests

272. family fun with water balloons

273. readily available, affordable gasoline

274. another weekend of cooler, dryer, WONDERFUL weather for painting, electrical installation, and clean-up at the new house

275. Prema's continued excitement/enjoyment over wearing her birthday Mary Jane shoes

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